Media queries are an important aspect of modern web design. They allow you to apply different styles to a web page based on the characteristics of the...
what is css Gride Layout? Css Grid Layout provides a two dimensional layout system, controlling layout in rows and columns. in this module discover...
what is the Input elements? the <input> HTML elements is used to create interactive controles for web-based forms in order to accept data from the...
Defination of Audio Tag the Audio tag <audio> tag is used to embeded a sound content in a document, such as music and other audio streams. the text...
What is the Array Array in javascript is the store. Array storing the multiple collection of multiple items under single variable name. arrya is the...
what is the Css Selecters? Css selectors are used to select the content you want to style. -selecters are the part of CSS rule set. Css selectors...